Ishizu Ishtar 11" Volks of Japan Doll

The Ishizu doll comes "in box" (though box may vary), with stand, wearing the Egyptian attire she wore during the Battle City finals! She wears a flowing ivory robe, that hugs her curves, yet flares out at the bottom, with a revealing slit down the front center! She has a golden wide sash, dangling hip belts with handsculpted "beads"; ankle bracelets and straps, upper arm bracelets and wrist bracelets! Around her neck is the traditional wide Egyptian style golden necklace, but also adorning her is the Millennium Necklace, in which Ishizu can foresee the future! Her head is covered by an ivory veil, with a handsculpted golden "crown" at the top. Around her black tresses is a golden "tiara" with a turquoise "jewel" in the center and in her hair are 2 golden hair covers---just like she wears in the series! On her feet are black pumps with faux crystal turquoise jewels in the center of each! Ishizu is truly a beauty with her large, expressive indigo blue eyes on a tanned skin body.

Price: $175.00

Duel Disk Accessory and 5 'cards' with belt/pouch : Additional $25.00



**Shadi and Marik dolls are not included, but sold separately**


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