Queen Kida LE Style 17"Doll

A beautiful custom LE Style doll of Queen Kida, princess and heiress to Atlantis!! She's wearing a customized cornflower blue with crystals all throughout, multi-layered Atlantean dress, a lined front panel edged in golden venise embroidered and faux golden gems, all edged in metallic icy blue with embroidery and matching arm gauntlets with bas relief resin elbow armor and faux gemstones!!! Her Atlantis crystal pendant hangs from a golden rope around her neck, with a long fancy golden dangling earring on her right ear. She has long snow white hair with a golden bead on one side and a 3 tiered headdress atop her custom headsculpt with a dramatic custom faceup with blushing and shading. She even has long real eyelashes!! Comes in box. (LE Box style may vary.)

PRICE: $450.00 USD


*Milo 18" LE style doll NOT included but available separately.


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